Abuse of and addiction to               Drugs 

This is a social problem adolescents experience all around the world. It does not affect a particular social class. Nowadays it has been increasing, and it is highly prominent and notorious in our public schools. Adolescent drug abuse and addiction is a major problem affecting our population, and particularly adolescents/teens.


Here, you, 10th graders from Enrique Olaya Herrera school and Alejandro Obregón school, will have access to reading, writing, listening and speaking activities on this crucial problem. As this is part of your current  English course in your schools, the tasks presented will provide you opportunities to focus your efforts and attention on relevant realities that affect our social and cultural environments.




Let`s begin with a short reading adapted from:  




 after reading the text, express your ideas below.




Name:: Angie Natalia Pinzon Mora  1003 - morning shift
Email: ntapinmo.c8@gmail.com

many of adolescents using drugs today with the excuse that happen affection problems or missing, though this is no excuse to consume, there are teenagers who gives consuming curiosity and stay on drugs for that the one gene from their parents at some point in their lives consumed which leads them to consume dependence and become addicted.



Name:: juan felipe ubaque sanchez grade  1006 jm

Email: ddarkheavy@gmail.com

Message: i think the  relative  a the drug and abuseand adiction  . start in the teens times , commonly prodruce by the drugs and alcholic drinks ,because produce  happy , emotional problems , after possess a lack of developing of they brains , pruduce move  of system driving is very bad , make delay of process of brain obstruct for think and racional process...



Name:: Lizeth Hoyos Martinez 10-03 Jm Eoh

Email: Lizeth0598@gmail.com

I think there are people who put the drugs are not for fashion but because something or someone the framework for life mean to trauma pain or other things that a child will affect output too seek to fly drugs clouds as they say, but this is due to the lack of moral support listening, understanding, attention and above all the love that gives them. 



Name:: Mabel Geraldine Rodriguez Romero 10-03 JM

Email: geraldinrodriguez55@hotmail.com




 Name:: Cristian Camilo Ortega Medina 10-06 morning shift

Email: cristian_ortegam@hotmail.com

Message: I think that the drug addiction is something that affect some classes societies, also think that as say of report :"That adolescents are more susceptible to use drug". Beacause that say the report for curiosity, problems, Etc. In think that of drugs are as mafia "All enter but nobody leaves" I think that the person that sometime used drugs , is very hard that this leave the this problem. I agree with the impacts in health are more dangerous in adolecent that adults (Becouse they (Teens) are  in process of growth of their body). I consider that of person that enter in the drugs and this world NEVER will leaves.
Cristian Camilo Ortega Medina 10-06 JM



 Name:: Daira Torres Charry 10-04

Email: dairatorres1109@gmail.com

Message: Teens abuse drugs as a way to experiment, the problem is when an addition is created. That leads to bad things like rejection from family and society.


Foto de perfil de mpaula.coltaName:: Maria Paula Silva Daza 10-03  morning shift    
Email: mpaula.colta@gmail.com

Message: I consider the teenagers who are in the drugs abuse for x or y reason, need someone to give them support and motivation  to get out of this problem.



Foto de perfil de heliana.1999.2013


Name:: Eliana Diaz 10-05

Email: heliana.1999.2013@gmail.com

Message: I considere that the drugs are bad for teenagers in plenum upgrowth also  because this product is harm your's bodies. This product is harm your's minds the addiction is very big in your's bodies because not they areaccustomed to using a product like this.



Foto de perfil de becerramendezjonathandav.


Name:: Jonathan david becerra mendez 10-05 JM EOH

Email: becerramendezjonathandavid@gmail.com

Message: I think that all this is caused from small and sometimes families eneñan their children in the way just about money then when they grow what they do is make money as they do dealing drugs and that is what happens with this than to do that affects society as the influence you to try some accept without knowing the consequences that can bring this and other not think of a better future...




Foto de perfil de Sebastian Rodríguez S


Name:: Sebastían Rodriguez Santos 10-03

Email: sebastianrodriguezsantos@gmail.com

Message: Drugs young consume because they need the company of their parents because they feel stressed, for friends or also out of curiosity some young you think drugs is just for fashion but that is not so because if a young man enters experiemntar drugs is the worst thing you can do because it is the world which is very difficult to leave and where do anything to eat something stronger or better is best never do that because these people are going to have a world with much suffering and may die overdose and for this topic parents should always support their children not come into missteps.



Foto de perfil de Catherine Salazar Castrillón

 Name:: Catherine Salazar Castrillon 10-05 M.S.

Email: catherinesacas@gmail.com

Message: The drugs are a very bad for us because these destroys our bodies every day but everyone decide what to do on their own bodies, some of the reasons are that they want to fill the blank spaces on their lifes because something bad happen on their life's like: lose someone or something important and/or want to unite to a group of people but the first one is the most common. The social classes are not a lot of influence because if you are rich or poor you always want to fill something in your life but this is not the solution to anything because the drugs can create more problems in your life and after you start to use drugs is very difficult that you can get out of it sometimes the only way is dying.


Foto de perfil de abrilnatalia28

Name:: NATALIA ABRIL MUÑOZ  1005 -morning shift
Email: abrilnatalia28@gmail.com

Hi teacher and other persons.

I consider that the use of drugs is very bad, not only in adolescents also in their family, sometimes the consumer of drugs is coming of his family, that at first did out of curiosity or stress, and now finally is addicted with his family, not only with addicted also are thieves etc. Although the effect that does in teens it is not the same as in adults,all this causes problems in his relationships and  his life.




Name:: Kevin Santiago Gomez Alvarez 10-03

Email: coroto89@hotmail.com

Message: Young people are testing drugs, because at this time is more obtainable than before, now consumed by fashion, to prove to other people who smoke and those kinds of things.
The problems and depression takes aa fall into drugs, is very difficult for a young man who takes time consuming to achieve out of this problem.



Foto de perfil de gina18nov

Name:: Ginna Paola Rodriguez 10-06

Email: gina18nov@gmail.com

Message: in my opinion the use of drugs is a very serious problem caused by bad influences of people who only want to hurt plus a mentality of pain or distress in your life. a person starts using drugs is very difficult to recover as this will combertir in an addiction and need the body unfortunately this problem is caused in young to which until now his body is developing.



Foto de perfil de valbuenasebastian10nov

Name:: sebastian valbuena 10-04

Email: valbuenasebastian10nov@gmail.com

Message: in my opinion the use of drugs is a very serious problem caused by bad influences basically the situation or your feelings is in pain or suffering in your life in the past or young actualidad.el you start using drugs not recover as this will combertir body addictive unfortunately this problem is caused in which young people do not have family support and is unable to leave this situation.



Foto de perfil de natalianaranjo1999

Name:: Laura natalia naranjo llanes grade:1005  morning shift -  EOH

Email: Natalianaranjo1999@gmail.com

Message: I believe that drug abuse occurs in all social classes, by a friend who puts a challenge and if it does is queer, are those things that people are starting to fall into drugs and alcoholism has I come ah affect many adolescents coming to look at these drugs "HAPPINESS".



Foto de perfil de john sebastian

Name:: John Sebastian Alarcon Arevalo EOH 10-04

Email: sebas99818@gmail.com

Message: the drugs abuse and addiction is a big problem and are increasing because is a very good bussines for the drug dealers, that is the problem, but the drug dealers go to sell drugs in the schools because they only want money and don´t worry for the health of their customers.



Name:: Luis Felipe Barajas Paez 1004- morning shift
Email: luisfelipebp36@hotmail.com

Message: I consider that the drugs abuse and addiction are a problem that may be avoid with the supervision of the members of the family and the friends of the person because the addict people havent the attention of their family and decides to use drugs.


Name:: Valeria Sofia Chindoy R. 10-05 jm
Email: chofyruiz@gmail.com

Message: In my opinion drug addiction is a social problem that affects teenagers, many with the excuse that solve their problems, but the  drugs create more .... on their health, family, work, school and many aspects of life, damaging their future with negative changes for the people around him.



Name: Melissa Gómez Aguirre - 1005 morning shif EOH

Email: melizagomezx@gmail.com

Message: I think that the teens abuse the drug because they think that the makes feel good, but they do not think that the drug may be affecting their lifes.



Foto de perfil de Talia Angulo

Name:: Talia Estefani Angulo Ortiz - 1006 -morning shift -EOH

Email: taliaanguloortiz@gmail.com

Message: I think that the issue of drug use is important as it tries to show us the damage it does to our body and brain also teaches us that the drugs many people are separated from their families to continue consuming drugs and sometimes refuse to be a rehabilitation to change those habits known that this act can lead to the death



Foto de perfil de Jose Rodriguez

Name:: Jose Luís Rodríguez Palomá 10-05 morning shift

Email: jose291956@gmail.com

Message: The drug abuse is a big problem more in the teens, because they just wanna have a moment to be happy, but the don't know what are the consequences. They have a lot of options to get out of this, but they need to understand that the fist step start for each one, the can go to a Rehabilitation Center and start their life again, have a better future and be really happy. But if you don't do it you can have problems with your parents, with your couple and your friends, and in the worst case you can live in the streets and dia alone. So, the conclusion is that if you start to be a drug adictor your life will fall



Foto de perfil de alevanesco.03

Name: Alejandra Ariza

Email: alevanesco.03@gmail.com

Message: I consider that youth right now is involved in a hard situation, because there is some adolescents that are not careful with their acts, it's alright that some of them don't knok anything about it and they just do it for curiosity, for fit in society, for funny or just for feel them better. So, is really hard, but i think that with campaingns or little talks about the concecuences that drug aqddiction can cause in people (especially adolescents) so i think that is better take inform about the problem and be very careful and cautious without care the reasons.



Foto de perfil de Saidacarvajal2015

Name: Saida Carvajal Silva - 1006

Email: saidacarvajal2015@gmail.com

Message: Drug addiction is a problem that could be related to other mental distinctions also suffers from some type of mental disorder affecting health in your body.

Message: Teenage pregnancy is a dramatic experience, because it affects two inexperienced people that have not yet acquired its autonomy: For me are not yet able to choose unconsciously.



Foto de perfil de Angie Natalia Melo Barreto

Name:: Angie Natalia Melo Barreto 10-05

Email: angienataliamelobarreto@gmail.com

Message: I think that young people consume to fill the gaps that they say have often lack of attention by their parents, sometimes as they feel society and to avoid problems sometimes friendships force them to experience that and often poverty and lack of money makes them commit crimes to buy drugs.



Foto de perfil de jonathanalexandergonzalezleon

 Name:: Jonathan Alexander Gonzalez Leon grade 10-04 J.M  E.O.H

Email: Jonathanalexandergonzalezleon@gmail.com

Message: a teenager goes into the world of drugs because their friends are on them or something like that and they start abusing them when they feel they need them and that's when they start to fight with their families by the need elos feel and there is when it all begins.



Foto de perfil de mixy1099

Name:: Mixy Dayane Rincon Leon

Email: mixy1099@gmail.com

Message: i think that the drug abuse and addiction is form that the some teens to escape of the problems or
to experiment news sensations, is a form that expressing theirs disagreements with a society and their families


Foto de perfil de luisaclavijo0714

Name: Luisa Fernanda Clavijo Pulido 10-05-

Email: luisaclavijo0714@gmail.com

Message: Drug use is prevalent throughout society, especially young people, who see sometimes in drugs believe a easy road but it is something momentary and empty, the use of these drugs may be creating an addiction that at end leave terrible consequences in their lives.



Foto de perfil de karencontreras229

Name:: Karen Yiseth Contreras Clavijo 10-05

Email: karencontreras229@gmail.com

Message: In my opinion the consume of drugs is very bad for our body since it starts damaging many parts of he, causes his serious problems in our organism, in the blood, in the muscles and mas that everything in our mind, it is what many persons it does not bear in mind when they start consuming them, after that they become addicted it is very difficult to stop consuming them, they would have to have will great to do it.



Foto de perfil de valentinamuoznino2000

Name:: Valentina Muñoz Niño - 1005 morning shift - EOH

Email: Valentinamuoznino2000@gmail.com

Message: affect the relations ship of the addict persons, and affect the health, because the drugs have different consequences, and is a social problem.



Foto de perfil de maruanomo02Name:: Maruan Enrique Arias C. 10_05 Jm

Email: maruanomo02@gmail.com

Message: The drugs is a big problem in la comunity of the adolecents because it have a easy  access and the dealer are in all parts moreover there are many adolescents with problem that uses the drugs like a solution for their lives.



Foto de perfil de diegobaquero99

Name:: Diego Alejandro Baquero Sucunchoque

Email: diegobaquero99@gmail.com

Message: already we know that drugs are very bad but some persons or young people feels curiosity for try out these substances that only thing make is kill the person little to little and when the person try to out  of this problem is afternoon because addiction is more hard of overcome leaving an option the DEATH , these persons They sought feel something new in  the drugs(a dead end).

June 21st, 2015



Foto del perfil de Nico Antonio Arevalo

Name:: Nicolas Antonio Arevalo

Email: nico_19991@hotmail.com

Message: I think that the drugs are something that around us every days of our lives because in all part of the world this is seen between the communities, as in the schools and the neighborhoods, the drugs are used the differents ways, not is only a thing bad because is used as a medicine, but the teens used the drug of others ways as for to fill voids, leave the stress or simply of curiosity, but this cause problems physical, psychological and social into their lives for the future.




Foto de perfil de akirematsumototakanori

 Name:: Erika Dayana Pabon Salamanca 10-03

Email: akirematsumototakanori@gmail.com

Message: my opinion is that it seems a world problem is drug addiction and most of all in teens which is very sad I think the security should control the drug problem campaigning against it to make the world better since the theft derived drug addiction , crime , murder, etc.



Foto de perfil de linarodcru9

Name:: Lina Manuela Rodriguez Cruz 10-06
Email: linarodcru9@gmail.com

Message: drug addiction and produce continuous operation lends itself to changes in mood, people suffer sadness discouragement and lack of energy,Many are prone to terrible problems of drug abuse.The abuse of these drugs poses a serious health risk to impressionable young people who are persuaded to experiment with them. The longer they continue using these substances, the harder it will become to quit in the future.


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Other Links

Adolescent Pregnancy


These videos have been created by students at Enrique Olaya Herra school

10th grade june 2015


Students put together some statments studied in class and thei mages found out on the web.



